Dr Elizabeth Moore
Name: Dr Elizabeth Moore
Department of the History of Art and Archaeology
Reader in the Art and Archaeology of South East Asia
Centre of South East Asian Studies
Member, Centre of South East Asian Studies
SOAS Food Studies Centre
Member, SOAS Food Studies Centre
Email address : em4@soas.ac.uk
Telephone : 020 7898 4452
Address :School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
Building :Brunei Gallery
Office No :B408
Authored Books
Moore, Elizabeth ( 2006 ) Early landscape of Myanmar. Bangkok: River Books.
Moore, Elizabeth and Mayer, H ( 1999 ) Shwedagon: Golden Pagoda of Myanmar. London: Thames & Hudson.
Moore, Elizabeth and Stott, P. ( 1996 ) Ancient Capitals of Thailand. River Books, Bangkok; Thames & Hudson, London.
Book Chapters
Moore , Elizabeth ( 2008 ) 'Thagara and the pilgrimage sites of Dawei: Buddhist narratives and ancient topography.' In: Gutman, P., (ed.), Buddha and the Sacred Mountain. Bangkok: Silkworm Press. (In Press)
Moore , Elizabeth (2008 ) 'Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and ‘Pyu'.' In: Pautreau, J-P and Coupey, S and Rambault, E and Zeitoun, V, (eds.), From homo erectus to the living traditions: choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists: Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Chieng Mai: Siam Rattana, pp. 183-192.
Moore, Elizabeth (2007) 'Spaceborne and Airborne Radar at Angkor: Introducing new technology to the ancient site.' In: Wiseman, James and El-Baz, Farouk, (eds.), Remote Sensing in Archaeology. New York: Springer, pp. 185-216.
Moore, Elizabeth and Swe, Than (2006) 'Early Walled Sites of Dawei: Thagara and Mokti.' In: Bacus , Elizabeth A. and Glover, Ian and Piggot , Vincent C., (eds.), Uncovering Southeast Asia's Past: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Singapore: National University Press, pp. 271-282.
Moore , Elizabeth (2005) 'Stone tools and rings: Neolithic and Bronze Age Change.' In: Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Myanmar Historical Commission (1955-2005). Yangon: Ministry of Education, pp. 203-227.
Moore , Elizabeth (2004) 'Ancient Knowledge and the Use of Landscape. Walled Settlements in Lower Myanmar.' In: Traditions of Knowledge in Southeast Asia, Part I. Proceedings of the Traditions of Knowledge in Southeast Asia Conference 17-19 December 2003. Myanmar Historical Commission, Ministry of Education, pp. 1-27.
Moore, Elizabeth and Han, N and Maung, W (2002) 'Prehistoric Grave Goods from the Chindwin and Samon River Regions.' In: Green, A. and Blurton, T., (eds.), Burma: Art and Archaeology. London: British Museum Press.
Moore, Elizabeth (2000) 'Ritual continuity and stylistic change in pagoda consecration and renovation.' In: Proceedings of the Myanmar Two Millenia Conference, December 15-17, 1999. Part 3. Yangon: Universities Historical Research Centre, pp. 156-191.
Moore, Elizabeth ( 1998 ) 'Religious Architecture.' In: Tettoni , Luca Invernizzi, (ed.), Myanmar Style: Art architecture and design of Burma. London: Thames & Hudson, pp. 20-58.
Moore, Elizabeth ( 1998 ) 'The Prehistoric Habitation of Angkor.' In: Manguin, Pierre-Yves, (ed.), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Eurpopean Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Paris 24-28th October 1994. Hull: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hull, pp. 27-36.
Moore, Elizabeth (2010) 'The Williams-Hunt Collection, Aerial photographs and cultural landscapes in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.' Sari: International Journal of Malay World Studies, 27 (2). pp. 265-284.
Moore, Elizabeth (2009) 'Archaeology of the Shan Plateau, the Bronze to Buddhist Transition.' Contemporary Buddhism, 10 (10). pp. 83-102.
Moore, Elizabeth (2009) 'Place and space in early Burma: a new look at ‘Pyu Culture'.' Journal of the Siam Society, 97 . pp. 1-27.
Moore , Elizabeth and Tan, Terence ( 2008 ) 'Eyes on the past: Samon and Pyu beads in Myanmar.' Arts of Asia, 38 (1). pp. 134-141.
Moore , Elizabeth ( 2008 ) 'Tea, horses, and Buddhism: the peoples of early Myanmar.' Enchanting Myanmar, 8 (2).
Moore , Elizabeth (2007) 'Astrology in Burmese Buddhist culture, Decoding an illustrated manuscript from the SOAS Archives.' Orientations, 38 ( 1 ) . pp. 79-85.
Moore , Elizabeth and Win, S. (2007) 'The Gold Coast: Suvannabhumi? Lower Myanmar Walled Sites of the First Millennium A.D.' Asian Perspectives, 46 (1). pp. 202-232.
Moore, Elizabeth and Maung, Win (2006) 'Change in the landscape of first millennium AD Myanmar.' SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research, 4 (2). pp. 1-26.
Moore , Elizabeth and Lertum, Surat (2005) 'Williams-Hunt Aerial Photograph Collection.' Muang Boran Journal, 31 (3). pp. 130-138.
Moore, Elizabeth (2004) 'Interpreting Pyu material culture: Royal chronologies and finger-marked bricks.' Myanmar Historical Research Journal, 13 . pp. 1-57.
Moore, Elizabeth (2003) 'Bronze and Iron Age Sites in Upper Myanmar: Chindwin, Samon and Pyu.' SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research, 1 (1). pp. 24-39.
Moore, Elizabeth and Pauk, Pauk (2001) 'Nyaung-gan: A Preliminary Note on a Bronze Age Cemetery near Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma).' Asian Perspectives: Journal of Archaeology & the Pacific, 40 (1). pp. 35-47.
Moore, Elizabeth (2000) 'Myanmar religious practice and cultural heritage.' The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, 18 . pp. 285-300.
Moore, Elizabeth (2000) 'Angkor Water Management, Radar Imaging, and the Emergence of Urban Centres in Northern Cambodia.' The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, 18 . pp. 39-51.
Moore , Elizabeth and Freeman, Anthony ( 1998 ) 'Circular sites at Angkor: a radar scattering model.' The Journal of the Siam Society, 85 (Part 1 & 2). pp. 107-119.
Conference or Workshop Items
Moore , Elizabeth (2007) Buddhist archaeology on the Shan plateau: the first millennium CE. In: Shan Buddhism and Culture, 8-9 December 2007, SOAS, London. (Forthcoming)
Moore, Elizabeth (2003) Shwedagon and Kyaikjtiyoe Today. In: Texts and Contexts in Southeast Asia, 12-14 Dec 2001, Universities Historical Research Centre, Yangon.
Moore, Elizabeth (2001) UNESCO SubRegional Global Strategy Meeting for Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage and Periodic Monitoring of World Cultural Heritage Sites - World Heritage Tentative Lists, SouthEast Asia. In: UNESCO Sub-Regional Global Strategy Meeting for Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage and Periodic Monitoring of World Cultural Heritage Sites, Paris, UNESCO. (Submitted)
Current Research
Current research focuses on the arts of Myanmar (Burma), particularly the emergence and maintenance of the Hindu-Buddhist landscape. Previous remote sensing and survey work in Thailand and at Angkor in Cambodia also considered patterns of terrain adaptation and veneration. Ongoing writing includes a survey of pre- and proto-historic Burma (Myanmar), the relationship of the so-called Pyu, Mon and Dvaravati cultures, and the role of visual culture in sustaining social memory of legendary places.