
Burma Studies Conference 2010: Burma in the Era of Globalization  

Posted by ေရွးျမန္မာ in

source : http://www.burma.niu.edu/burma/conferences/2010/index.asp

Burma Studies Conference 2010: Burma in the Era of Globalization
The coming International Burma Studies Conference will be held in France, at Universite de Provence, Marseille, 6th-9th July, 2010.The conference is co-organized by Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique (IRSEA-CNRS), Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient (EFEO), Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE-CNRS), Institut national des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) and Center for Burma Studies (NIU DeKalb IL USA).

We invite panel participants to focus their proposals on the theme of understanding Burma/Myanmar’s position vis-a-vis processes of globalization. How does globalization contribute to change – or not – in Burma and also to our perceptions of Burma? Such an overview should be consequent to a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach by specialists in anthropology, sociology, linguistics, political science, economics, history and archaeology; as well as in religion, literature, art and architecture.
Interested participants are asked to organize and submit panel proposals with 500-word abstracts by 1 December 2009.
Individual papers, for which a 250 word abstract is requested, are also welcome and will be duly integrated into the conference sessions by the organizers. The deadline for the individual paper proposals is 30 March 2010.
In addition to the title and abstract of the proposed panels and papers, please include the contributors’ names and academic affiliations, mailing address, email address, and specify equipment needs for the presentations.
Location: Marseille, France (Direction)Dates: 6-9 July 2010Deadline for submission of panel proposals: 1 December, 2009 (CLOSED)Deadline for paper proposals (titles and abstracts): 24 April, 2010Email: burmastudies2010@gmail.com
Conference fee:Euros 180 prior to April 30, 2010Euros 220 thereafter
Contacts:Please send the requested information to:
Burma Studies Conference, 2010Université de ProvenceIRSEA-CNRS3, Place Victor HugoMarseille 13003, FranceEmail: burmastudies2010@gmail.com
top^Organizing Committee:
Conference co-chairs:Catherine Raymond, Director, Centre for Burma Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL 60115 USAcraymond@niu.edu
François Robinne, Director Institute of Research on South-East Asia at Marseille (France) Francois.Robinne@univ-provence.fr
Co-conveners:Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière, Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE-CNRS), Parisbrac@vjf.cnrs.frhttp://www.cnrs.fr
Marie-Hélène CardinaudInstitut Nationale des Languages et Civilisations Orientales (INaLCO), Parismhcardinaud@yahoo.frhttp://www.inalco.fr
Jacques Leider, Ecole Française d’Extrême Orient (EFEO), Parisjacques.leider@education.luhttp://www.efeo.fr
Alice Vittrant, Université de Provence, Marseille/CNRS-Lacito Alice.Vittrant@univ-provence.frhttp://www.univ-provence.frhttp://lacito.vjf.cnrs.fr/
Gustaaf Houtman, Anthropology Today, Londonghoutman@gmail.comhttp://anthropologytoday.ning.com
Chargés de mission:Véronique André, Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l’Océanie (CREDO), Marseilleveronique.andre@univ-provence.frhttp://www.pacific-credo.fr
Louise Pichard-Bertaux, Maison Asie-Pacifique (MAP), Marseillelouise.bertaux-pichard@univ-provence.frhttp://sites.univ-provence.fr/wmap
For further information regarding the Conference, please visit our websites:http://www.grad.niu.edu/burma



Posted by ေရွးျမန္မာ in

Place of origin - Burma/Myanmar
Materials - Paper, gold, gilded, silver and red mirror inlay
Dimension -h. 3 1/8 in. w. 5 in. l. 20 3/4 in.
Current Location - Northern Illinois University
Note-Gift of Konrad and Sarah Bekker, 1986 BC86.01.19.00

Parabaik. Shan Sermon Book. 1266 (i.e. 1904) Notes on various aspects of Buddhism. Written in Nissaya (bi-lingual) Pali-Shan (Burmese script). 266 Folds. Gold rectangular boards decorated on one side with silver and red mirror inlay and relief bands. A raised double border separates two strips of decorative motifs. The inner most strip of decoration consists of simple floral motifs in inlay and the outermost of a row of silver inlay interspersed with red mirror inlayed circles. Same design repeated on both covers. Edges of paper are gilded. Sheets of paper are left plain with Tai Yuan letters in red and black ink (?). Pages attached to one another in continuous folds accordion-style.